19 March 2009

To Shave or Not to Shave..... ????

Since I started triathlon last year, I’ve been getting comments from friends and fellow triathlete that I should shave my legs for races.  They didn’t really explain why, just a mention of aerodynamics and other stuff, and I didn’t really take it seriously.

But since I’ll be doing quite a big event this Sunday, I thought I’ll Google the issue up and see what comes up. What a surprise that there’s tons of stuff on this.

Basically people are still debating on the benefits of shaving most of the body to improve performance.

So, is it just a myth or a proven scientific fact??? 

Basically, the benefits that were always mentioned are:

1)  1) Aerodynamics – probably applies more to swimmers

2)  2) The Bike Crash – helps the healing process. No hair to contribute to infection and Band-Aids peel off much easier.

3)  3) The Rub-Downs – Massages are more effective when applied to shaved legs

     4)  Keeps you cooler 

Should I????

 “because, when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you swim good.”

Some interesting articles on the issue:




Anonymous said...

ahmad, udah th u shave? if udah apath d difference...do tell me later ya...coz if bagus maybe ku shave jua if ada big races...
btw good luck and give all ur best for singapore race k.

ahmad fathi said...

thanks... sorry didnt sampat shave my legs, had lots of other stuff to prepare for the race.. maybe next time..