12 February 2009

Treadmill Treats

Found this article on the “Runner’s World” site regarding workouts (running) you can do on the treadmill.

Honestly speaking, I’m not really a fan of the treadmill, but when I’m travelling and do not have much time, treadmill would be my first choice at the gym.

With the current weather being so unpredictable and raining most of the time, running on the treadmill would be a good option, whether you’ve got it at home or at your local gym.

There are some good pointers in the article on how to maximise your runs on the treadmill. You can basically do most of your workouts on it such as hills, speed and fartlek sessions.

So the next time it rains, just run on the treadmill at home or drop by your local gym if you’re really itching to run, and avoid getting sick.

Too late for me now. Urgh…… :(

Click here for the full article.

i wish...


Anonymous said...

I am not a big fan pakai treadmill ani. Boring kali playboi ahh nada kan di liat.

ahmad fathi said...

boring plg.... but better than being sick and not be able to run at all....