21st June 2008 – Sprint Distance (750m open water swim, 20k bike & 5k run)
22nd June 2008 – Olympic Distance (1,500m open water swim, 40k bike & 10k run)
Only arrived in Miri around 8 pm, it was a good thing that the missus came in the morning with the family to do some shopping. So she managed to register and get my stuff sorted for the race on Sunday. However, she was too lazy to join the race briefing that afternoon. I don’t really blame her though, why would she wanna be in a room with people talking about bib number, body marking, drafting rules and so on…
Woke up around 5ish and did my normal pre-race ritual (drink water, sit-down session, power bar, sit-down session, drink water, pray and so on..) Kept looking out the window to check out other triathletes and making sure that I was not late. Biasalah pre race jitters.

It would have been nice if I had some friends joining me for this race, but they were all tied up with the Pesta Sukan Kebangsaan in Brunei.

all set
Managed to drag my bike and myself to the transition area, set-up my bike and stuff and got myself marked. Felt cool with number markings on my arms and legs, felt ready to race. Did some warm ups and saw some people swimming. Since I’ve never trained in open seawater, decided to check it out and get myself wet. The water was horrible, murky, cant see a thing in the water and water kept on coming inside my goggles, and padih mata.
At the Start, everyone had to jump in the water and trade water for a bit till they set us off. I started off at the back taking my time by doing breaststroke, it was a bit hectic up front as I expected. Didn’t wanna get slapped or kicked by the other swimmers.
Walked out of the water, exhausted, but happy and relieved, and slowly walked towards my bike. Did passed through the shower and tried to cleaned myself a bit, the seawater was yucky. Didn’t wanna bike and run with the stench. Even my sports watch died from the swim.

I wasn’t so worried about the bike leg, as long as I can ingkul, I should be fine. As I’m still new at cycling, I was just hoping to complete it in under 1 hr 30 mins. A few cyclists did overtake take me though, but I did manage to overtake a few cyclist back. Felt good overtaking people, especially the ones with high tech bikes. Hehe…
On the way back to the transition, passed a lot of people already in their run leg and most of them look exhausted, I knew this would be my chance to catch up. It’s a good thing I’ve done a couple of brick training (bike-run) before, coz this transition is usually the hardest as you are using different muscles for cycling and running. People usually get leg cramps during this leg if you’re not used to it.

the missus didn't recognised me (she said everyone looks the same, wearing tights n shades)
happy nak sampai dah
The run leg felt short as i managed to do it in around 42 mins. I was initially aiming for around 50 mins, so i was saving some energy as i thought i would be running for longer, but it turned out to be faster when i saw the finishing area and still had some power left. I think I could have done it faster.
After crossing the finish line, I was just surprised that i didn't really feel that exhausted and aching as i expected I would be after going through all that, compared to after doing a Marathon. Coz for me, after crossing the finish line at a marathon, i would be aching so much and wouldn't be able to walk properly.. It's probably because in a triathlon, you work your whole body, instead of being on your feet the whole time and pounding the road.
I can't wait for my next triathlon.....
taniahlah bro. laju tu bawah 3jam
Salam tuan,
Article that might help you..
How Do You Swim Straight in the Open Water?
adi: Salam, thanks.... need to practice more...
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